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Managing Director: Professor Sher Zaman visited Eight-Multigrade and content based training for Balochistan Education Foundation Community Schools Teacher organized by Provincial Institute of Teachers Education (PITE) Balochistan

During his visit to the Eight-Multigrade and Content-Based Training organized by the Provincial Institute of Teachers Education (PITE) Balochistan, Managing Director Professor Sher Zaman actively engaged with the teachers, addressing their concerns, and sharing his expertise to enhance the training program.

Recognizing the significance of continuous professional development for teachers, Professor Sher Zaman emphasized the importance of upskilling and staying updated with modern teaching methodologies. He commended the teachers for their dedication and commitment to the profession, acknowledging the challenges they face in delivering quality education to the students of Balochistan Education Foundation Community Schools.

During the training sessions, Professor Sher Zaman actively participated, sharing his knowledge and expertise in various aspects of teaching, classroom management, and content delivery. He provided insights into effective instructional strategies, student engagement techniques, and the use of technology to enhance learning outcomes.

Moreover, Professor Sher Zaman addressed the specific issues raised by the teachers during the training. He focused on providing practical solutions and guidance to overcome challenges related to classroom dynamics, resource limitations, and student diversity. He encouraged teachers to embrace innovative teaching approaches tailored to the multigrade classroom setting and emphasized the importance of personalized attention to individual student needs.

Additionally, Professor Sher Zaman emphasized the significance of inclusive education and the importance of creating an inclusive learning environment for students from diverse backgrounds. He highlighted the role of teachers in fostering empathy, respect, and understanding among students and promoting an inclusive society.

Throughout his visit, Professor Sher Zaman interacted with the teachers, actively listening to their concerns, and providing constructive feedback. He encouraged a collaborative approach, promoting knowledge-sharing and mutual support among teachers. He emphasized the importance of continuous professional development and encouraged the teachers to take advantage of training opportunities to enhance their teaching skills and knowledge.

By actively participating in the training and addressing the teachers’ issues, Professor Sher Zaman demonstrated his commitment to supporting and empowering educators in the Balochistan Education Foundation Community Schools. His expertise and guidance provided valuable insights to the teachers, enabling them to further enhance their teaching practices and positively impact the education of their students.

Overall, Professor Sher Zaman’s visit to the Eight-Multigrade and Content-Based Training organized by PITE Balochistan not only added value to the training program but also served as a source of inspiration and motivation for the teachers. His active involvement and personalized attention to the teachers’ concerns reinforced the commitment of the management to the professional growth and development of educators in the region.